Hi, I'm Erin.
Photo Credit: Anna Wistran Wolfe Photography
I am a woman (mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter, etc!) living her best life! As a mother of three and a twelve-year advertising agency veteran, I struggled with "having it all" but I've navigated my journey to best align with my values and passions, and I want to help you do the same!
I built a career in digital marketing and media, delivering truly innovative work for some amazing clients - the likes of AT&T (Cingular at the time!) and Bank of America, to name a few. It was good, hard work. Once I became a mother, I negotiated a flexible schedule arrangement to better meet my personal life needs and desires - 4 day reduced schedule with one of the days working from home. I was elated to be a working mother with a thriving career, but something was still missing. And in walked coaching.
My best moments at work always centered around mentoring and leading the team. Empowering and inspiring others to be the best versions of themselves while delivering their best work is my life purpose. This was a part of my role, but I wanted to be much more intentional about how I made this the priority for myself professionally. I explored coaching to further develop this passion. This process kicked off my journey with iPEC and soon after set my whole life on a new course. After baby number 3, I decided not to return to my advertising career and quickly became an officially certified coach a mere two weeks after her arrival. Since then, I have been working with women (and men!) to reach their goals, professionally and personally. I am so passionate about the work I do and incredibly grateful to be a part of each and every client’s journey. I am truly living my dream life with just the right balance of work and family. I am so thrilled to support each client, and I can’t wait to dive in to help you define and design the life and career you desire.
Reach out at coach@erinkorgie.com